6 Things to do after installing Ubuntu 14

By | June 25, 2016

1. Connect to the Internet

This is the golden rule (in my humble opinion) of using Linux. Almost everything revolves around Linux being connected to the internet – from updating, downloading softwares to using FOSS social networks. So this is the first thing you should ensure is working on your system before every other processes on this list can be done. Connecting to the internet on Ubuntu is simple and works out of the box following a little tweaking. You could either connect using a usb modem dongle or through the common route of mobile hotspot.

2. Update your system

Ubuntu is a distro that is constantly being updated with new fixtures, bug fixes and loopholes. So to get your system from the date it was released to the present time you need to update it – and it is advisable to do this regularly. To update your system open up the terminal and type;

sudo apt-get update

3. Install Ubuntu restricted extras

The Ubuntu restricted extras are some of those third-party proprietary softwares that are not shipped with Ubuntu. A special component of this ‘extras’ is the multimedia codecs that would allow you to play files like .mp3, .mp4, DVD etc. I know you wouldn’t want to miss that. Go to Ubuntu Software Centre and search for “Ubuntu restricted extras” and install it.

Or you could use the terminal as usual;

Sudo apt-get install Ubuntu-restricted-extra

4. Install VLC media player

The default media player that comes with Ubuntu is RhythmBox. If you prefer this, fine. You can skip this step. But I bet you, VLC is the bests bet, this is because it plays all media file formats, which makes it the most popular cross-platform FOSS media player out there. It could be downloaded from the Software Centre or from the terminal;

sudo apt-get install vlc

5. Install additional browsers

Ubuntu ships with Firefox browser by Mozilla. If you’re okay with it no problem. If not other browsers that I’d recommend in conjunction with Firefox is Google’s Chrome and Tor browsers.

sudo apt-get install google-chrome-stable


sudo apt-get install tor

sudo apt-get install chromium

6. Install gimp

GNU’s Image Manipulator (GIMP) is a photo editing studio/application that is equivalent in terms of functions, with Adobe’s Photoshop. It is the most popular among many other FFOSS photo editing tools. If you’d be involved in really ‘heavy’ photo editing, you should give it a try. But if not the Shotwell Photo viewer/editor that come with Ubuntu would be alright.


With all these applications you’re good to go. And don’t forget that the Ubuntu Software Centre is always there for you to get other apps that you’d need for your system. Linux gives you the unlimited power to choose between a retinue of different applications for your using pleasure.

Happy Linux’NG!


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