New Linux Foundation Open Source Programming Courses Offers for FOSS Developers.

By | January 28, 2022

The Linux Foundation has announced the launch of three new edX training courses covering Linux, Git, and other open-source development tools. A Professional Certificate in Open Source Software Development, Linux, and Git can be earned by taking the courses individually or in combination. Jerry Cooperstein, PhD, who has been working with Linux since 1994 and… Read More »


By | June 30, 2020

Last month (May 8 to be precise) we got a very interesting email from one Albert Liu ([email protected]) which was in retrospect with the intention to scare us into purchasing unwanted domains from him and possibly other scam trick he’s got up in his sleeves. Claiming to be a staff of the Chinese domain name registration, he wrote that a company, Hongbo Ltd,… Read More »

What I expect in Desktop Linux/FOSS this 2017

By | February 14, 2017

Linux (and FOSS) has gone beyond just an avenue to have a low-cost alternative to expensive proprietary operating system and software. Nobody (or maybe few people) would have expected that Linux would become relevant as it is right now in the tech world. There have been in recent years the warm embrace of Linux and… Read More »

Developing Countries and FOSS: A pathway to Software Development.

By | December 21, 2016

Open source offers more realistic opportunities for developing countries as regards developing a universally competitive and viable tech/software industry than it’s opposite (i.e. proprietary software). In this post I would highlight five reasons why. #1. Homemade modifications Open source software offer less developed countries the “freedom to adapt it to their local setting depending on… Read More »

FossNaija and YOU!

By | November 17, 2016

    There are various ways you could get involved in free and open source software (FOSS) through FossNaija. Some of these ways are enumerated below;   APP VIEWS AND REVIEWS  If you want us to test or review any FOSS project/App you’re working on, send it to us. We’d help in publicizing it and putting up a good review or feedback for you or your team.   EVENTS  If possible we could help in promoting any FOSS event you want us to at any time. And you could send us multimedia (pictures and videos) from such events if you want us to say something about it on FossNaija, and It could find its way into our FOSS GALLERY.   FINANCE If you want to make financial donations please email us and we’d tell you how to go about it or visit our contact page. Any other FOSS idea(s) you have and want us to talk about please feel free to let us know about. All correspondence could be sent to [email protected]. Thank You!   FossNaija Team.


First FOSS server in Nigeria courtesy Web4Africa

By | September 6, 2016

I received an email from Web4Africa, yesterday and in it was a news announcement that it has launch the “first FOSS mirror in west Africa at”. The happy thing about it is that the project is physically hosted (located) in Nigeria. For those of you who do not know, Web4Africa is a reputable domain… Read More »

Voters Registration the FOSS Way

By | August 23, 2016

The OpenVR (short for Open Voter Registration) is a biometric software that was introduced by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) into the Nigeria electoral system in the year 2011, to serve as a viable platform to be able to capture as many possible voters. The Software The OpenVR is an open source program that… Read More »

Software licensing and FOSS

By | June 27, 2016

Since software most of the time is written by somebody (like art: paintings, music, books) and hence it constitute a type of intellectual property that is usually governed by copyright laws. And some countries guide them by patent laws. For a software to be distributed, only the software author could specify the term to do… Read More »