Use AnBOX for running Android applications natively on Linux

By | April 21, 2017

Android is the most popular operating system in the world right now and also the most popular mobile operating system there is. It is important that android app be able to run n PCs for quite a number of reasons – most importantly for development purposes for app developers on Linux.

Before now to run android apps on Ubuntu it included complex (or you could say not-so-easy-to -set-up) configuration either by using emulators like Shashlik, BlueStacks, and Genymotion. But for the most part, these applications set up a virtual machine that isolates your entire Android experience from the rest of your operating system.



Anbox is a new open-source system that lets you run Android apps on a PC natively as if they were Linux desktop applications – yeah the real experience. There’s no emulation required.



Anbox is designed to run on Linux distributions like Ubuntu and fedora, by using the same kernel resources for both hosting the operating system and android. Though the software is still in alpha and would work only on the latest distros that support snaps. Don’t fret many prominent distros (Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, OpenSUSE, etc) now support snaps and many would, hopefully, join the lists. it is a promising project for Linux and the general open source community. And so many modifications are expected to bring out more from the anbox project.



Anbox comes pre-installed with apps like calendar, gallery, email, and can be configured to install other android apps like the Google play store (or a preferred android app store) to download and install android apps.

To learn How to Install Anbox in Linux Go here.

Happy Linux’NG!

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