File and Directory Permissions using the GUI.

By | August 19, 2016

We have done how permissions could be managed by over the terminal for various reason. Not to scare many Linux users away from the shell, even when its an integral part of the Linux experience, we are doing a GUI version of that post.

If you have read that post you’ll notice that we enumerated the benefits of controlling the permissions of files and directions. So we’d just go straight to how it is done using the GUI.

You can go to your home folder using the nautilus file explorer. Choose a file that you can use as test – if one is not available create one using something like Gedit or LibreOffice. Right click on the file and select ‘properties’. On the then select the ‘Permissions’ tab to see the available permission for that file.


File Permissionsfile permission GUI

From the image above, you see the three categories of users that can access (or not) a file on the Linux system.

  • The file is the “Owner” (represented by ‘Me‘) is the creator of the file and usually have the greatest number of permissions on the file. And he is the only one that can change the permissions for other users.

  • The “Group” as the name implies is a unique ‘set’ of other users that can also access file based on the permissions that are given by the owner of the file.

  • Then any user that is not the creator of the file or among the group of users that have been chosen by the creator of the file falls under the “Others” user categories

beside this user categories are permissions setting tabs that can be used to adjust the values for each user category. Note that only the owner (i.e. the creator of the file) or the “root” user can alter these permissions for files and directories. There is a tick-box at the bottom in the case of a file, if selected, can be used to make the file executable (especially in a case where your are writing source code for programs like Shell, C++, Python or PHP scripts).

Directory Permissionsdirectory permissions GUI


There is no big difference between the file permission setting of directories and file, and just like with every Ubuntu Linux GUI application it is intuitive and can be easily followed.

Happy Linux’NG!


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