Sovereign Tech Fund Invests €1M In GNOME’s Open-Source Project

By | November 19, 2023

In a groundbreaking development, the GNOME Foundation, a pivotal player in the realm of open-source and Linux desktops for an impressive span of 25 years, has recently unveiled an extraordinary work commission. This momentous endeavour has been made possible through generous €1 million in funding from the esteemed Sovereign Tech Fund, financially backed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action.

In this collaborative service contract, Sovereign Tech Fund, the dedicated maintainers of GNOME, and the esteemed GNOME Foundation have come together to meticulously craft a series of significant milestones.

In an exciting development, a significant investment has been made that is poised to ignite the transformation of the GNOME platform. This infusion of resources will propel the platform forward, driving progress in various areas such as tooling, accessibility, and captivating public interest features. The future of GNOME looks brighter than ever! Furthermore, the primary objective of this initiative is to bolster the security, resilience, and technological diversity within the open-source ecosystem. Acknowledging and appreciating the individuals behind the scenes who dedicate their time and effort to crafting impeccable code is crucial.

However, in the wake of recent developments, the GNOME Foundation would like to extend its heartfelt appreciation to the Sovereign Tech Fund for acknowledging the project’s significant contribution to the technology community. We are truly grateful for the support that has been provided, as it will undoubtedly drive our ambitious initiatives forward until the conclusion of 2024. In this exciting era of progress and innovation, several key projects have been earmarked for development. These projects hold immense potential to shape the future and bring about positive change in various sectors. Let’s take a closer look at some of these noteworthy endeavours that are set to captivate our imagination.

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Key projects in the pipeline include:

  • Enhance the present level of accessibility
  • Create a new accessibility stack and prototype it.
  • Individually encrypt user home directories
  • Modernise the storage of secrets
  • Improve the breadth and quality of hardware support.
  • Spend money on quality assurance and developer experience.
  • Increase the scope of free desktop APIs.
  • Platform components should be consolidated and improved.

It is undeniable that this funding marks the beginning of a new chapter for the desktop environment, bringing with it the exciting prospect of enhanced development and groundbreaking innovation. I would like to give a special shoutout to Tobias Bernard and Sonny Piers from the GNOME Project for their incredible contributions in leading this initiative to success. Their dedication and hard work have been instrumental in bringing this project to fruition.

In a recent development within the tech industry, the esteemed Holly Million has assumed the CEO role at the renowned GNOME Project. Despite her relatively short tenure of just a month, it is worth noting that the investment in question had already received approval before she assumed the leadership position. Ah, the anticipation builds as we eagerly await the unveiling of the results stemming from her bold and decisive actions in her role as the esteemed project leader.

In this remarkable turn of events, the recent work commission serves as a significant milestone, not only for the project in question but also for the thriving Linux desktop community at large.

Happy Linux’NG!

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