Graphic Server for IoT, mir, released

By | October 11, 2018

Mir is a wonderful software product from  Canonical, the makers of Ubuntu Linux. It has announced the release of mir application (mir 1.0.0). The very first major release by the Mir team.




Mir is graphics rendering server that can be used to render graphics on the screen of internet of things (IoT) devices. It was an effort conceived by canonical in trying to create a unified GUI experience on multiple devices (TV, phones, Tablet, Desktops etc.).


Mir is fast and light-weight. And most importantly built with security in mind.


Linux is the default operating system (OS) for almost all IoT devices. And many of these devices need a way of providing display or output to user. Mir can provide this functionality in a flexible, efficient and secure manner through its mir-kiosk implementation. It is on this mir-kiosk that different graphical applications using GUI toolkits, like Qt, can be developed.

To learn more visit the ubuntu website.



Happy Linux’NG!


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2 thoughts on “Graphic Server for IoT, mir, released

  1. Wes

    Thanks for great articles. Why is FossNaija not on yet? It is a thing now and would help Nigerian Linux scene alot.


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