How to Install Graphics Application For Linux: The Pinta Image Editor

By | March 5, 2017

One beautiful aspect of the software ecosystem in Linux is that there is variety. From office packages to email and design, Linux has it all. For those Linux’ers out there that do having graphics work the world of the popular Graphics Image Manipulator (GIMP) software is paradise.

But there some times when you want to do little image or graphics manipulation without necessarily installing and using a large application suite like GIMP. There are a lot of light-weight apps in Linux for that. But there is one I have come to love in Ubuntu – the Pinta Image Editor.


Pinta is a free, open-source application. The aim of Pinta is to create a simple and easy to follow image editing experience for the user. It is packaged with simple functionalities that are required to carry out simple editing like different shapes (rectangle, line, circle, etc), colour pallet and different drawing tools (pencil, text, paintbrush, colour picker, eraser, gradient, paint bucket, ), multiple layers and different effects (e.g. blur, warp, glow, etc).

If you have ever used paint.NET in windows, you would find it very comfortable to use Pinta, as they have a similar user interface – in fact, Pinta is a paint.NET clone or alternative in Linux.

grammy-awards-lil wayne-mack-fatjoe-fossnaija-edited

The is the original image:

grammy-awards-lil wayne-mack-fatjoe-fossnaija

So if you’re looking for that light-weight image editor application, or maybe you just want a paint.NET alternative, Pinta is your best bet!


Happy Linux’NG!

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