Support Open source: Hacktoberfest 2022 is Upon Us, Preptember is here!

By | September 14, 2022

Hacktoberfest is an annual event that encourages people to contribute to open-source projects. It was started in 2014 by DigitalOcean and GitHub, and it now happens every year in the month of October.

Hacktoberfest 2022 -

Hacktoberfest, DigitalOcean’s annual month-long commemoration event dedicated to the promotion and celebration of open source is entering its ninth year, and it looks to be better than ever. Everyone is welcome at Hacktoberfest. It’s a very good opportunity and time to finish your objective to support and contribute to the open-source community by creating four (or more!) clean pull/merge requests, regardless of whether this is your first time doing so or your ninth.

In this 2022 edition, the event would be campaigning for low-code and non-code submissions to open-source software. This would be done so that a greater number of people, irrespective of their degree of technical knowledge, will be capable of making contributions.

This year, Hacktoberfest will take place from October 1-31, but registration is between September 27 and October 31. Anyone can participate by simply signing up and then making four pull requests to any public GitHub repositories. Once you’ve made four pull requests and successfully complete Hacktoberfest, you may be among the 40,000 participants who can choose to get either the legendary Hacktoberfest 2022 t-shirt or a tree that will be planted in their honour in the DigitalOcean Forest. Both prizes will be awarded to the winner.


  • Non-code and low-code contributions: The event has always encouraged non-code valuable contributions, but this year there would be a need to place an extra emphasis on them. Participants can share their knowledge in areas like writing, designing, bug testing, mentoring new contributors, community management, and much more!
  • In-person and virtual events: Throughout the whole month, there will be live, in-person events where participants may get in touch with other open-source community heroes and make new friends that will last a lifetime.
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Hacktoberfest is a great way to get involved in the open-source community and give back to the projects that you use and love. It’s also a great way to learn new skills and meet new people. So what are you waiting for? Sign up today and start hacking! And be sure to sign up for the official Hacktoberfest Discord server so that you can participate in all the open-source fun!

And there are many more ways you can participate in Hacktobfest for the year 2022.

Happy Linux’NG!

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