How to Install Fortran Compiler in Linux

By | October 22, 2018

gnufortran image banner


In this post I will show you how you can set up a Fortran development environment in some easy steps in ubuntu Linux.



gfortran man page


Though there are many different Fortran compilers available for Linux systems; I will be installing gfortran (or GNUFortran), the Fortran compiler from GNU,( the custodian of many prominent and important free software). The reason for the choice is no other than its ease of installation and strong support from a prominent organization (GNU) in the Free and Open-Source software community.

Open your terminal on your Linux machine (shortcut for ubuntu systems => CTRL + Alt + T) and type the following command to first of all update your system software repositories:


sudo apt-get update


Then install gfortran:


sudo apt-get install gfortran





Happy Linux’NG!


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