How to Transfer Files Using Xender on Ubuntu Linux

By | September 3, 2016


Xender is a very common file sharing app on android devices, especially because it is considered as being easy to use. The wonderful thing is that the recent version of the app has the ability to share files between an android device (phones and tablets) and Linux though the web browser.

Though I’ve written earlier how files could be shared between android devices and ubuntu using anther android app (sshdroid). So in this post I would be showing how we could transfer file(s) between Ubuntu and and any android device.

STEP 1: First of all ensure that you have xender installed in the android device (you can get it online or from the Google play store if you wish). Then launch app on the android device.


STEP 2: Click on the blue-ish circular button at the bottom right corner of the the home screen to ‘connect‘.


STEP 3: Then a new screen appears where you’re ask if you want to ‘send’ or ‘receive’ file(s). below that you see other option on how to connect to the PC, select the ‘PC/Mac‘ option, the one with the computer icon.


STEP 4: Select the blue ‘Create Hotspot‘ button.


STEP 5: Then the mobile hotspot is created in the android device (it should look like Xender_Apea7a), with instruction on how to connect you Ubuntu PC to it. Copy the IP address generated, it is very IMPORTANT.

STEP 6: Connect your ubuntu PC to the mobile hotspot (i.e. Xender_Apea7a) created earlier.


STEP 7: Open a browser (e.g Firefox) on your PC and type the IP address generated by the Xender app on your android app in the browser’s address bar.


Then the files and directory android device are easily accessed through the web browser.


You could then transfer (download) any file or directory from the device to your PC or to the android device (upload).


You could play the songs on your device on the browser too…if you want to.



Happy Linux’NG!


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MUST READ  THE LINUX FILE SYSTEM – Part 2: File and Directory Manipulation

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  3. Raven Joss

    Thank you. It was very helpful, though my transfer speed is so slow (<1MBps) that i have moved back to my data cable. Ofcourse this would come in handy if i dont have my cable with me. This is the answer to our college computers which point blank refuse to connect to our mobiles through the data cables.


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