How to transit to a Free and Open Source operating system like Linux

By | October 7, 2016

There is no doubt that Linux is the best free/open source operating system (OS) out there. But we’re living in a Window-lized non-free country, and so a transition to a free operating system would not be a day job. And I’d like to share some lessons on how one can easily try (and probably move to) a free operating system like Linux.


First ask questions…secondly ask questions…and then ask more questions.

There is a local saying that the one that asks questions never gets lost. And it would apply inn this case, before endevouring to do anything it’s important to ask questions. So it is advisable to ask as many questions that relate to Linux, so that you’d be steering in the right direction. There are many online forums that you could ask questions about Linux like stack exchange or fossnaija (yeah, quite sentimental, you know). That are many potential questions that could be asked, like; what is the difference between Linux and windows? What Linux distribution (distro) should I choose? What free (or open source) applications would be available in Linux? And so many more. Even after a transition you would still need to ask questions – – all the way.

Preview open source softwares.

There is no need to be speedy about the transition, take it slow and well. One of the beautiful thing about Linux is the fact that you can use the operating system fully even before you install it on your PC to play around with – as a live USB. That should give a pretty idea of what the OS would look, feel and work like when installed on the system. So basically you’d able see any attractive features of the OS you like or not, and you’d be able to confirm that applications and hardware work together. To take it step further you could do an installation on a virtualization software (like Virtualbox or VMware) to run dual installations to get familiar with the system.


Start using free open source softwares.

Change can be threatening, and fearful. And that is what make it difficult for people to see alternatives to anything. One way to get around the idea of the free and open source philosophy is to install examples, and when you see how they perform you’d better appreciate the contribution of the open source developers to beautiful softwares. There are many popular open source applications that are already work can be used in windows environment, e.g. Mozilla Firefox, LibreOffice, MySQL, android, python, WordPress, etc.

SEE: How to install Linux on VMWARE.

Whether you want to explore the world of FOSS or need an alternative platform where you productivity could be increased and be fun at the same time, one thing is sure: a free and open source would rule the future. It would be better for you to get on the train now!


Happy Linux’NG!


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