IBM says Linux is good for Africa, to set up the Latest Linux Cloud Server in Africa.

By | September 21, 2016
ibm linuxone server ad

Source: IBM

IBM is hoping to catch a portion of the free and open source pie by intending to deploy it’s cutting-edge LinuxONE mainframe/cloud sever to Africa, Johannesburg to be precise.

It seems that many players in the tech world are beginning to see a promising tech potential for the African continent. Especially now that the amount of mobile devices (phones and tablets) are increasing tremendously and this is also leading to the increase in internet penetration across the continent.

This server/cloud platform from IBM would be enable clients to embrace mobile cloud services. And also to enable manufacturers and developers across Africa to participate more fully in the global open source community of developers. They (developers) will have access at no charge for 120 days while building and testing their applications.

This is good news for Africa’s FOSS community. And it probably would increase the apparent use and adoption of Linux as a viable platform for most continental tech services. 

Way to go Linux, way to go Africa!


Happy Linux’NG


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