Install any Linux operating system using VMware

By | June 25, 2016

There are two methods that, as a new Linux user, you can choose; using a virtualization software (VirtualBox, VMware etc) or partitioning your hard drive (i.e. installing alongside windows). Or if you have a spare computer to spare (which I doubt) you could use the whole hard disk to install Linux. It is advisable to go with the virtualization options, if you’re new to the world of Linux.

There is a little different in the details and processes involved when installing Linux either using a virtualization software or directly partitioning you hard disk. So both explanation would be given below – when differences are observed they would be noted and explained.

First, you have to download vmware (one of the common virtualization softwares, it is what would be used here). Assuming you have downloaded and installed VMware, open your VMWARE application then click on the plus (+) sign with the “Create a New virtual Machine”. Alternatively click on the navigation tab click on the FILE option and a dropdown menu appears select the NEW >> VIRTUAL MACHINE (a short cut to doing this simply just clicking ctrl and N (i.e. ctrl + N).


Then the following window appears, for you to begin the virtual machine creation process. It follows the normal application installation process.


Then click NEXT, choose the second “Installer Disc Image file (.iso)” option and select the .iso image of the Ubuntu Linux distribution that you have downloaded. Then click NEXT.


If the Linux distro is not automatically detected, the next window appears where you can now select the type of operating system, and a drop down menu below is used to select the desired version/type of the operating system which you want to install. For the purpose of this tutorial we are choosing to install the Linux operating system and Ubuntu distribution.


You can then rename the virtual machine to your taste and the location where the virtual machine would be installed. But if no name pops up in your head you can just leave the default value, which is the name of the guest operating system (i.e. Ubuntu). After this you can click NEXT.


Now you have to specify the amount of space on your hard disk to allocate to the guest operating system. A good way ascertaining this is find out the minimum installation requirement of the guest operating system (here we are using 20GB). And select “Store virtual disk as a single file”. After this then click NEXT.


Then a window with all the information about the virtual machine to be created is given. An option to “customize hardware” is given if you want to do so you can select it – but you could always do it at any time when the need arises like when the performance of your VM requires it. Then click FINISH to create thhe VM. Selecting the “Power on the virtual machine after creation” would ensure that the virtual machine is started immediately after you “Finish”.


Then your virtual machine is created and is automatically booted!


The installation begins;


After the installation you are asked for your login password where to start the Ubuntu desktop.


Congratulations!!! You have now created your first Linux virtual machine. In another post would I would give how Ubuntu can be installed directly on the hard disk along Windows OS.

Happy Linux’NG!


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