How the internet is strengthening coding communities and e-societies (in Nigeria)

By | June 18, 2017
typing on the keyboard fossnaija

IMAGE: Glenn carstens peters

Whether we like it or not, digital technology is making it easier for technology enthusiasts and fanatics alike to create associations and interact in ways not possible before. This has been (in fact still being fueled) by information explosion propagated through the internet. The internet is one of the factors that have catalyzed globalization. It has made it possible for fan-based communities to spring-up from surprising places all over the world. It has given a wider exposure to a vast and yet conventionally overlooked demographics in techyouths. And these set of techies are now the y major players and drivers in innovative product from all the silicon-valley-ish areas of the country. Giving opportunities for participation, exploration and sharing creativity within a short period of time.

The availability of free (and open source) software and the digitization of learning materials – books, videos, audio books and the likes – have been made possible by the internet.

Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, twitter group, google groups, LinkedIn, and many online social media platforms are playing major roles in this regard.

Rather than being on the receiving end and passively consuming products that are churned out by tech companies, home and abroad. Many young ones are now seeing themselves as active stakeholders in designing and propelling the future of innovation in the best way they can. Every now and then you see one in three persons between 18 – 26 years of age, telling you about their blogs, GitHub commits, apps (iOS, android, etc.) – that’s a nice feeling. Recently the Freecodecamp (FCC) Lagos held their first meet up @lekki Lagos Nigeria. It was awesome from the pictures on their facebook page.

More still needs to be done in Nigeria. More communities should be created. And when these e-societies are strengthened with the power of the internet (providing infrastructure for a smooth deployment) it would be an opportunity for innovations that are meaningful to us all to be produced.

Happy Linux’NG!

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