New Linux Foundation Open Source Programming Courses Offers for FOSS Developers.

By | January 28, 2022

The Linux Foundation has announced the launch of three new edX training courses covering Linux, Git, and other open-source development tools.

A Professional Certificate in Open Source Software Development, Linux, and Git can be earned by taking the courses individually or in combination.

Jerry Cooperstein, PhD, who has been working with Linux since 1994 and has written and given training in both the kernel and userspace, created the three courses. At The Linux Foundation, he is responsible for all training content. He developed state-of-the-art simulation software on a variety of supercomputers and taught at both the undergraduate and graduate levels during his two-decade career in nuclear astrophysics. Jerry is a Senior Content Manager at The Linux Foundation, where he has worked since 2009.

The Courses

Linux Foundation Open-source Courses. (
Linux Foundation Open-source Courses. (

These courses are Open Source Software Development: Linux for Developers (LFD107x), Linux Tools for Software Development (LFD108x), and The last course, Git for Distributed Software Development (LFD109x).

Open Source Software Development: Linux for Developers (LFD107x) addresses key principles in open-source software development as well as how to operate effectively in a Linux environment. Students will get an understanding of Linux systems, covering installation, desktop environments, text editors, important commands and tools, command shells and scripts, file systems, and software compilation.

The second course, Linux Tools for Software Development (LFD108x), covers the tools that are used in Linux development on a daily basis. It is designed for developers who have worked on any operating system and wish to master the fundamentals of open-source programming.

The last course, Git for Distributed Software Development (LFD109x), introduces Git and prepares participants to establish new repositories or clone existing ones, commit new changes, review revision histories, and more.


Who can Enrol?

Participants must enrol in the program, complete all three courses, and pay a $149 verified certificate fee for each course to receive the professional certificate.

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