SETTING-UP Wi-Fi on LINUX using Android

By | June 26, 2016

The easiest way to connect to the internet is using android phones or tablets (Phablets). It is not surprising that mobile devices are now the major way to access the internet largely because of the proliferation of the cheaper android devices all over the place. The major telecoms company and internet service providers (ISP) tend to favour cheaper mobile internet services than that of the traditional PC.

So in this post we would see how we could connect a Linux (Ubuntu) PC to the internet by pairing with an android device. Though some of the wordings of the functionalities in the android phablet would be different but it would be intuitive enough for you to follow.


STEP 1 – Set up a wireless network on your android device. This is usually done under settings, specifically networks/wireless or something similar depending on the android device. Go to “Tathering & portable” hotspot.

STEP 2 – Set up WLAN hotspot. You can set the Wi-Fi network name to a name of your choice (mine is FeemWiFi-807e), and leave the network either “open” or use password to secure it when using it in public areas (mine is set to open – that is without password).

STEP 3 – then you activate the portable WLAN hotspot by clicking on it. Then we are done with the android device part of it, now we go to Ubuntu to do a little tweaking.


STEP 1 – Ensure that wireless network is enable on your PC. Then search for available Wi-Fi networks around, you should be able to see the name of your Wi-Fi network you created earlier on the android device.

STEP 2 – When you see the name of the Wi-Fi network click “connect”, Ubuntu would do this automatically subsequently when hotspot is activated on that particular android device. When connected there would be an authenticated icon that would appear on the screen.

Then you can start browsing with your PC.


Happy Linux’NG!


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