Skype for Linux?

By | August 19, 2016

Though Skype has been available for Linux since 2014, but it was abandoned – sticking in version 4.3 or there about.

The present (just released) Skype client is both in the native Linux app (installable) and web client (i.e. access through browsers like chrome on Linux). And it is just in alpha phase, which means that it’s stripped off some features like not being able to connect to users of the old Skype clients or mobile versions and also being able to making only voice calls. MS promised they would be unleashing the full features of the software for Linux as found in windows, android and iOS.

So if you are an adventurous Linux users that fancy the video chatting app you can get it here. Trial feedbacks can be sent to Microsoft for improvement before the stable version is released.

The fact that this is coming now at this stage shows that, whether hypocritical or not, Microsoft’s professed love for open source is being manifested here and there and the FOSS philosophy is reaffirmed as a viable model for technology.

Happy Linux’NG!


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