SSHDroid: Sharing files between android and Linux

By | August 9, 2016

It is not difficult, as always portrayed, to share files between Linux and android devices. Apps like SSHDroid (a Secure SHell client) can share files with a Linux system/PC with ease. I’ll show you.

Many people still believe that the only way to transfer files between a PC and your android device is through the use of a USB cable. With different wireless technology these days, there have come to be easier and wireless means of transferring files with a PC, a Linux one at that. One of such method that would be discussed here is the SSHDroid, a power shell client server for android. SSHDroid helps you to share and manage files on your local android device over Wi-Fi. To share files between files between your android device and a Linux (Ubuntu) using SSHDroid follow these steps below:

Step 1: Download and install the SSHDroid app from Google Play Store or here. Then open the app on your android device.


STEP 2: In the SSHDroid app tap the menu tab on the upper-left hand corner, then select “Options”.


STEP 3: And navigate to the password portion click to edit it and enter your personal password (I used “root” ). Save and close.


STEP 4: On home screen click “START” on the upper-right corner of the screen, to start the server. On starting the server an IP address ([email protected]:2222) is automatically generated by the server that would be used to connect from Ubuntu and the server “Status” becomes ‘ready’.


STEP 5: Assuming you have connected the android device with Ubuntu through WiFi. On your PC open the nautilus file explorer click the “Connect to server”.


STEP 6: On the address bar type the address generated by the SSHDroid earlier (sftp://[email protected]:2222, for example) and click ‘Connect’.


STEP 7: Enter the password of the SSHDroid you created (mine was ‘root’) on your phone earlier.


Alternatively you could click on the address bar (or using CTRL+L) and then type the address generated by the SSHDroid earlier (sftp://[email protected]:2222, for example) and press ENTER.


Then all the files and directories of your android device are displayed on the window. You can copy, move edit and management right there from Linux.


Cool, right?

Happy Linux’NG!


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