Yahoo sold!

By | July 28, 2016


Yahoo was at a time synonymous with the internet or the web in Nigeria. In a strange and unfortunate way, that is where the famous name for Nigerian cyber criminals or fraudsters, ‘yahoo boys’, is derived. Yahoo ruled the internet in the country for a very long time, especially with the famous Yahoo Mail. Then the popular slang was ‘inbox me’; and then everybody wanted a yahoo mail so that they can ‘inbox’ and be ‘inboxed’. Then Google and Facebook came, the rest is history.


It has been announced that yahoo (at least its core business operation) has been sold to Verizon for $4.8 billion in cash. Verizon is United States’ largest wireless provider whose internet service enable millions to access the internet every day from anywhere. Verizon have over the years acquired “former” tech giants –a case in point is the of America Online (AOL) deal in June 2015. According to the Forbes report, the sale would not include Yahoo Japan or the company’s stake in Alibaba.

Maybe this deal (or you could say change) would be a stepping up in terms of innovation for yahoo, that is if the new owners (Verizon) have got some tricks up their sleeves. Or else it’s going to just be slowing the death process for yahoo.

All the best…Yahoo!

Happy Linux’NG!


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