Browsing on Ubuntu Linux with Etisalat USB modem

By | June 28, 2016


STEP 1 – Plug the Etisalat usb modem into one of the USB port and wait for red the power indicator light on n the modem to turn blue. The modem should be automatically detected and the setup window/wizard should appear. But if not, go to the upper-right side of your desktop an click on the wireless network icon, on the drop down menu you should see Etisalat mobile broadband option, select it to open the set up area. On the setup menu click “Continue” to proceed.


STEP 2 – Choose you provider’s country or region, ‘Nigeria‘ of course…lol.


STEP 3 – Choose your provider: Etisalat. (for obvious reasons)


STEP 4 – Choose your billing plan: Etisalat Internet. The access point name (APN) should be ‘etisalat’ automatically. Then continue.





STEP 5 – To finish the setup (if you are satisfied with the settings you have provided) click on the “Apply” button.


If successfully done you should see a connected notification on your desktop, now you’re connected to the internet (hoping you have data on the modem of course). ENJOY!!!!


Happy Linux’NG!


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