Compressing files using graphical tools

By | July 20, 2016

I’ve written a couple of posts on how files and folders (directories) are compressed on the command line using tools like gzip, bzip2 and tar directly. So I decided to do a post that would cater for those of us that like to just fine with the GUI. It is a relatively simple method that would just take a few clicks.


  • Right-click on the file/directory that you want to compress. And select “Compress” from the options in the drop-down menu.

  • In the dialogue windows that appears enter the name in filename input field (if no new name is entered the name of the original file is automatically used).

  • Just to the right of the ’Filename’ field you’ll see a drop-down menu of compression options, select the compression algorithm you intent to use, they include 7z, iso, jar, tar, tar.gz, tar.bz2.

  • Select the location where you want the compressed file to be stored, then press “Create”.


From the figure above I tried compressing a directory (‘xero’) using the tar, 7z, tar.bz2, tar.gz and zip algorithms and you can see what I got.

Happy Linux’NG!


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