Get Free Unlimited Private Repositories From GitHub

By | January 11, 2019


GitHub has announced that it now allows unlimited private repositories (“repos” for short). For those who don’t know, GitHub is an online code-hosting platform using the open-source version control software system called git. Code stored on GitHub can be modified and improved upon any an individual developer or group of developers; and any changes made to t he codebase is tracked, stored and undone if necessary.

Before now GitHub has offered free repositories accounts to developers to store their code, but these repos are public by default i.e. open to anybody to copy (Forked) and use. And the GitHub user must pay (about $7 per month) if they want to make them private.

Over the years many developers (newbies and veterans alike) have been drawn to GitHub almost like it’s the default platform available. One reason being that it has a very simple/intuitive user interface and popularity among many developers and organizations.

But having private repos has been a very important item in the wish-list of many GitHub users for some years now. And also one of the reason that have attracted git users to other platforms like Gitbucket.

With the announcement , GitHub now include private repos. So developers can now use it for projects they don’t want to share with the public (yet), without paying anything i.e. FREE!!!


There’s a caveat though; the private repos can only allow up to three collaborators per repo for free. The free (unlimited) public repos will continue though with its unlimited collaborators too.

Whether this development is as a result of the GitHub’s acquisition by Microsoft last year, only time will tell. A new year , a new GitHub indeed!

Happy Linux’NG!


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