3 Workable Ways of Connecting Linux PC To The Internet.

By | February 20, 2019

The internet has become an integral part of our digital life. With the advent of the web browser, along with other web technologies that sprang up as a result of it, staying offline is presently almost impossible.

Sending and receiving emails, media streaming, with the many social networks here and there, there is no doubt there is need for a working internet connection.

In this post I’ll show you various common ways you can connect your Linux system to the internet.

#1 Wired connections.

It simply means you’d have to access the internet by connecting your Linux PC, using cables, through the Ethernet port to a RJ45 port (using DSL) on a wall.


So it would only work on PCs with Ethernet network interface cards. Data is transmitted over copper telephone lines. Connecting to the internet this way is common in large business, corporate or enterprise environments. It’s mostly likely going to be used at work or your office. And this would be very expensive to set up for individual use.

Wireless Connections.

Wireless connections have in recent times become the most popular people connect their PCs to the internet, and the one that is would be very attractive to the individual computer user. As the name implies “wire-less” connections do not require any network cables to connect to a internet network. Especially now that computers are becoming smaller and mobile with every model iteration. let’s now talk about some wireless connections methods.

#2 Dial-Up Modems.

To use this method, you’d need to connect a USB modem to your PC after which the modem will dial-up to your internet service provider (ISP) network (a sort of proxy to connect to the internet).

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These modems usually come preconfigured with settings from the ISP. Some modems do not work with a particular Linux distribution because the manufacturers (and ISPs) wont provide Linux drivers and software. You can do a thorough google web search using the modem device name to see how others have solved the problem with that particular modem. But you can check this post to see how to set a ZTE USB modem on ubuntu Linux.

#3 Wi-Fi.


To connect to the internet very easily and fast this is the most popular method available today. You simply scan for available Wi-Fi network form your Linux pc and connect. Most time they are closed (passworded) which will require a password, some might be open (without a password) One of the reason for this is that wireless network devices have become cheap when compared to the cost wiring long distance to provide internet connectivity.

And most importantly many computer and computer-based accessories come with wireless capabilities. Linux is wireless-compatitble out of the box. Check here how you can connect to wifi network. With the proliferation of internet-enabled mobile devices like phones and tablets you can share you mobile internet connection with your Linux PC wirelessly.

There you have it. Try them out.

Happy Linux’NG

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