How to install Ubuntu software (.deb) package from the command line.

By | November 21, 2017

software installation

There are a couple of ways to get (install) software package(s) or applications (apps) installed in Ubuntu. The common way is through the Ubuntu software centre. This process is the easiest. It is basically point-and-click style. Many of the intricacies involve in the process are abstracted from the view of the Linux user.

But some software apps cannot be found (and installed) in the official Ubuntu software repository. Also some app distributors for the Ubuntu platform would rather choose to distribute their apps by [providing downloadable Ubuntu/Debian (.deb) package from their websites.

This deb package contains all the dependencies an application needs to be successfully installed, which can be done through the terminal using the following steps:

Open the terminal (SHORTCUT: Ctrl+Alt+T) and enter the command:

sudo dpkg –i /path/to/deb/file

The “dpkg” utility is a low-level package tool use in Ubuntu (and other debian-based distriutions) for directly installing software packages (in this case, the .deb).

Then enter;

sudo apt-get install –f

Happy Linux’NG!

Note: If you’ve not installed Ubuntu Linux, learn how to do so here.


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