Installing Softwares on Linux is Easier than You Think

By | November 30, 2016

No doubt every user must install applications (apps) that he/she likes . And some situations when these apps are not available by default (or bundled) with the distribution of choice. There are two common ways users can get apps on your Linux system as usual; using the GUI and using the command-line. In this post we would talking about the GUI method, while in a subsequent post talk about the command-line.

Using the Graphic User interface (GUI) is a very intuitive way of installing apps in Linux, since if follows simple point and click actions that are familiar to an average computer user. Even with a little computer experience you’d be able to figure it out. It usually involves the opening of the ‘Software Centre’ of the particular Linux distro. It should be easy to locate on your desktop. Some of the software application system on some common Linux distro include the following;


ubuntu software centre

IMAGE: FossNaija

Some apps…


ubuntu banshee media player



Solus Project:





Some applications…




And also;










Some applications…


fedora software centre app




What is common in the images above is that there is a tab or panel that shows the applications installed on the system, different categories of installable apps and a search input to locate a particular application by typing the name or a related searchable term/criteria to filter it down. When an application is located, a brief information (like the size, reviews, rating etc.) of the app is displayed and then if you’re satisfied you simply install it by clicking on install button that is provided. All you have to do now is to wait, the size of app would determine how long.

Simple as that!

Happy Linux’NG!





































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