Second-Hand PCs and Linux

By | August 23, 2016

there are many areas around that is now swarmed with imported PCs. Whether it is as result of the economic system or not, at least it is serving as avenues for Nigerians to get access to cheap computer systems. This is a sort of blessing in disguise for Linux. Why would I say that? Let me explain.

Most of these PCs (mainly laptops) are old – sometimes very old – hardware models that have been put out of use in mainly Europa and Asia. On getting here only few of them can be used without a system or hardware upgrade – like changing you RAM, hard disk space, or processor. Especially since most users prefer to install windows operating system by default, which requires a lot of high hardware resources. With windows XP haven been officially removed from tech support, the only ‘known’ option available for unlucky buyers of these PCs would be to spend extra cash in carrying out system upgrade before they can put the system to use.

But Linux is a sort of hardware considerate operating system, and can solve the need or problem of spending extra cash on hardware upgrade. There are many Linux distributions (distros) that can make that laptop come alive with basic applications that can ensure you begin work as soon as possible.

If you have got any PC(s) in the situation I just described or need assistance in going about reformatting that PC to use Linux, please visit our contact page to see how you can reach us, thank you.

Happy Linux’NG!


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