Ubuntu Linux is everywhere and connecting everything

By | July 19, 2018

Ubuntu Linux is a very user-friendly desktop distribution (distro) of Linux that has played a significant role in bringing the Linux operating system to the ‘general’ public of computer users. It had become a success story of the strengths of the free and open-source software methodology of design software.

Many people have come to fall in love with the Linux desktop through Ubuntu. In as much that Ubuntu rules in the Linux desktop sphere, it now runs on a lot of useful hardware architectures. Canonical, the company behind Ubuntu’s development, has released an infographic to show Ubuntu’s power and ubiquitous-ness. Have a look:



Quite graphic, right? If you want to try Ubuntu you can install it here.

Happy Linux’NG!


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MUST READ  How to Install Fonts in (Ubuntu) Linux

2 thoughts on “Ubuntu Linux is everywhere and connecting everything

  1. Sati

    Love your site and Linux coverage, but alas Alex, maybe you should do something about that “don’t miss an update it’s FREE” -nag window??

    It pops up all the time here and is pretty annoying.

    Ubuntu is an awesome and stable distro, especially Ubuntu MATE flavour!


      Sati I appreciate that observation, it’s purpose is email subscription (which I believe you know). That’s one way we get followers on FossNaija, but after subscribing it doesn’t pop up again.

      Ubuntu is awesome, and I’m glad you like it too.

      Thank you very much sati for reading, and remain awesome.

      Will love to see you more often on FossNaija. 😁😁😁😁😁


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