VMware Joins Linux Foundation

By | March 9, 2017


There is good news for the Linux community. The big virtual emulator software giant – VMware – has joined the Linux Foundation as gold member. The Gold member status is the second in tier of membership at Linux Foundation. Many of you that do operating system installation virtualization would no doubt understand what role vmware plays in that – and that is a big way forward.

The biggest beneficiaries would no doubt be the enterprise Linux ecosystem, since vmware has a very rich resources in the area of data centre and cloud infrastructure.

With previous baby steps, this recent move shows how far vmware is willing and ready to step into the open source world.

Considering the amount of big tech companies that have taken the step, I can personally say it has been a little long overdue.

I hope this is a sign of the good things to come from vmware! Way to go Linux.

Happy Linux’NG!


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