How To setup Whatsapp Messager on Linux

By | December 17, 2016

whastapp banner 2

Whatsapp has almost become a default chatting app on the planet, especially since it was bought by Facebook. It is loved by many and found in almost any android phone – either shipped with it originally or installed by the user after purchase.

Apart from many cool features added to it (like the encryption of messages), one that has come to appeal to many like me who are always using their pc most times of the day is the Whatsapp web feature. When sitting down in front of your computer thinking about either what to write or when tweaking something, a Whatsapp message alert tone can be a very big distraction to thinking process. With the Whatsapp web, you could send and receive messages directly to your laptop as you work. Even though could at times still be distracting, but it is always less compared to having to always look away from the computer screen to attend to messages from family and/or friends.

So in this post I would be showing how we can set up Whatsapp Web on Ubuntu. As the name suggests whatsapp web can only be accessed through a browser (I would be using Mozilla firefox here, but you can use any one you prefer).

So go straight to your PC browser and enter the URL:

whatsapp homepage

On the navigation panel select WHATSAPP WEB (better still go straight to the whatsapp web page by typing: Then a barcode appears that should be scanned with the device (android phone or tablet) you do chat with.

whatsapp scan barcode

On your android device (phone or tablet) launch the whatsapp application. Click on the menu button and select the ‘whatsapp web’ option.

Then a scanning window is opened that you point on the screen of your pc to scan the barcode generated earlier.

whatsapp android phone barcode scanner

Automatically your whatsapp application is loaded on the PC browser. Containing your contacts and chat history.

whatsapp chat on web

So as messages are sent to you on whatsapp it is redirected to your PC (i.e. the browser). Sweet right? Enjoy!

Happy Linux’NG!

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2 thoughts on “How To setup Whatsapp Messager on Linux

  1. dAVID

    How is this for LINUX.. Stop writing misleading stories.. This is for WINDOWS not LINUX


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