The Latest GNOME 43, “Guadalajara”, Released See What’s New

By | October 19, 2022

The GNOME project has announced the immediate availability and release of version 43 after putting in a lot of effort over the past six months. The most recent version of GNOME has a plethora of enhancements, some of which include a revamped Files app, an updated fast settings menu, and improved cooperation with hardware security.

The migration of GNOME apps from GTK 3 to GTK 4 is something that will be continued with GNOME 43, in addition to including a wide variety of additional minor improvements.

In honour of the hard work put in by the organisers of GUADEC 2022, the next version of GNOME has been given the code name “Guadalajara.”

What are new?

The menu that displays the condition of the system in GNOME 43 has been modernised, and as a consequence, making common modifications may now be done in a shorter amount of time. The need to delve deeply into menus to make adjustments to settings has been eliminated, and such adjustments can now be made with the touch of a button.

The new style not only makes it easy to receive an overview of the current configuration of personal settings, but it also makes it possible to acquire this information with just a glance.

Nautilus File Manager (GNOME).

In addition to simplifying the usage of the currently available options, its new settings interface brings a number of noteworthy new features, including:

  • The menus now include a choice for the user interface style, allowing users to choose between a bright and dark design. This is a new addition to the menu. Until recently, the only app that allowed access to this feature has been the Settings application.
  • The built-in screenshot feature, which was launched in GNOME 42 has been expanded upon with the addition of a novel button for taking screenshots that can be found in this release.
  • Users are now able to toggle between various sound sources that are available using the menu. This eliminates the necessity to locate and delve into the maze of the Settings application to make the necessary adjustments.
  • Whenever the PC’s VPN is off, hitting the VPN button would begin the reconnecting process to the most recent network it was using.
  • And so on…
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Getting and Installing GNOME 43

The GNOME software is very popular free software; this means that all of our source code is publicly downloadable and may be freely updated and shared as long as it adheres to the licences that govern it.

If you want to install it, you should wait until your Linux vendor or distribution (distro) releases the official packages. Some of the most popular distributions have already developed releases that integrate the next GNOME release, and they will shortly make the new GNOME 43 accessible or available to their users.

You may also experiment further with the GNOME OS image by using the Boxes app to run it in a virtual machine environment.

Happy Linux’NG!

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