How to Install Opera Browser on Ubuntu Linux for free VPN.

By | August 15, 2017

In three simple steps.

The Opera browser is one very common browser in Africa when it comes to usage on mobile devices (phones and tablets). But on the desktop/laptop placement its not so prominent. Apart from the fact that the popular windows installation comes with it default edge (and Internet Explorer) browser, only a “relatively” few computer users are aware that Opera (which is usually referred to as opera mini) browser is a cross-platform web browser. 

Fortunately Opera is supported and available for Ubuntu Linux so in this post we’ll see how it can be installed in few simple steps.

Free VPN…

The main reason why I would encourage the installation of Opera is the fact that it now comes with a free virtual private network (VPN) feature. There is no better time for computer users to protect their privacy online. A VPN often offers anonymity by hiding the user and making it very hard for anyone to track them online. Though this is not an ultimate privacy protection solution, but it goes a long way in proving valuable in a good protection strategy.

#1: Download Opera.

Go to opera web site to download the software binary (it ends with ‘.deb’).

opera download page fossnaija

Choose the platform and architecture (32-bit or 64-bit): Linux() – normally it should be automatically detected.

#2: Install the Opera.

Go to the download location, you selected (or your default download directory).

Double click on the downloaded binary (the file with a name like: opera-stable_45.0.2552.898.deb). The Ubuntu software centre automatically start the installation process. It asks for the admin password – which is common on Ubuntu systems. Then the installation begins, with a green progress bar tracking its progress.

#3: Launch Opera.

Open the dash and type ‘opera’, you’ll see the opera logo click to launch.

Opera could still be launched from the terminal by entering the command: opera.


Simple as that.

Optional (but strongly advised): Activate VPN.

Form the home screen go to SETTINGS > PRIVACY AND SECURITY > VPN.


After which you’ll now see a VPN sign before the address bar.


Happy Linux’NG!


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