You can now download UBUNTU Linux from the Windows Store

By | August 21, 2017

Ubuntu on microsoft windows
Microsoft announced at its Build 2017 developer conference earlier this year that Ubuntu would be heading to the Windows Store, and now the popular Linux distribution (distro) is available to download.

Ubuntu — like SUSE Linux and Fedora, the other two forthcoming Linux distros heading to the store — runs in a sandbox alongside Windows 10, and offers regular command-line utilities as a standalone installation, with shared access to files and hardware with Windows 10.

In order to install Ubuntu, users will have to navigate to Control Panel (not the newer Windows 10 Settings app) and select the “Turn Windows features on or off” menu. There, you’ll be able to select the “Windows Subsystem for Linux,” which will allow Ubuntu to work following a reboot.

Is Microsoft really “LOVING” LINUX or trying as much possible to stay afloat in the sea of OPEN-SOURCE REVOLUTION? Time will tell.




Happy Linux’NG!


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