Ubuntu-Nokia Suit

By | September 7, 2016

Connecting Nokia phones to PCs that run windows is mostly achieved using the Nokia PC Suit (NPS) the suit is very versatile in that it could be used to install applications, send SMS, view file content, connect to the internet and share files right from within the PC. And there are some NPS alternatives for Linux (Like,) though, but if it’s to share or manage files (and directories) or even connect to the internet if could be done in Ubuntu Linux. You don’t need to install any addition software for you to achieve this. It involves just connecting the phone to the PC using bluetooth. With that you could share files and browse the internet with a Nokia phone (it is obvious that the phone must be able to connect to the internet). This technique was tried and worked using both Nokia 5230 and 5800 XpressMusic phones.

The Bluetooth technology has been with us for a very long time now and even kids 10-years-olds can connect two Bluetooth enabled devices. Most PCS now come out of the box with in-built Bluetooth capability and for old PCs there are peripheral Bluetooth devices/dongles you can attach to your PC to give it the Bluetooth capability. Even if that is no possible don’t despair, you can use the cable option to connect.

STEP 1: For this to work ensure that your PC is Bluetooth enabled.

Enable/switch on the Bluetooth on so the devices (the pc and Nokia phone) and ensure that they are both set to be visible to other Bluetooth devices. Click on the Bluetooth icon on the top right-hand corner of your Ubuntu (unity) desktop, on the drop down menu that opens select “SET UP NEW DEVICES…” , the Bluetooth manager window now appears on the screen where nearby enabled Bluetooth devices are searched.




If the Nokia phones Bluetooth is switched on, it should appear on the list of nearby devices. Select the Nokia phone and click “continue”.





Then a window appears on the desktop a show numeric code, and you are asked to enter the code shown on the Nokia device. Accept on the Nokia phone and continue on your PC. Then you’re done. Your PC and phone is now successfully connected.





Then you are asked of you’d like to use your Nokia phones to connect to the internet. If No the click the ‘Quit’ button to exit. If Yes select the “Access the internet using your mobile phone (DUN)” option and follow the intuitive setup process that follows.




Press ‘continue’.




Choose you telecoms subscriber country: ‘Nigeria‘.




Select a telecoms provider: ‘Etisalat‘ for this tutorial, you can choose the one that applies to your situation.




Select plan: Etisalat internet.





Select ‘Apply‘ to set the configuration.




Then you are done.





To manage and share files on the Nokia phone, click on the Bluetooth icon on the top-right-hand corner of your Linux desktop again. This time your newly added Nokia phone is shown on selecting the phone you have two options of either to “send files” or “browse files”. Choose the first option if you want to send files from your PC to the phone. And “browse files” if you want to view and manage files on the phone right from your PC.




Easy right…without any third-party application.



Happy Linux’NG


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