How to Install Atom Editor in Ubuntu Linux.

By | March 25, 2019

A Hackable text editor for the 21st Century!

Atom is an open source text editor for all your text needs. But its mostly used and suited for programming and development (coding). A very functional and feature-rich text editor is an invaluable component of a developer toolbox.

atom welcome page fossnaija

Atom is open-source (if you have the skills you can help improve it on github) and free of charge, you can just download, install and get right to work immediately.


  • Cross-platform: It is available for Linux, Mac OS and Windows operating system.
  • Aesthetics: atom is beautiful by it self, but you can modify the look and feel to your personal taste or preference using different openly available themes.
  • Speed: atom is relatively fast being a light-weight application built on JavaScript. It can also make you type fast with built-in intelligent auto-complete feature.
  • Extensible: you can extend the features of atom with thousands of freely available packages to add additional functionalities.

In this post we’re going to see how to install this popular and modern text-editor in Ubuntu Linux.

METHOD 1: Using PPA:

Add the PPA to your system:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/atom

Update the system package list:

sudo apt update

And you can now install atom:

sudo apt install atom

METHOD 2: – Download the Atom package.

Download the atom installation package from their website.

atom download page fossnaija

Use dpkg Command:

sudo dpkg -i /path/to/atom.deb

Then install;

sudo apt-get install -f

Or you can open t he package with Ubuntu software center

To remove atom from your system, use the command:

sudo apt-remove --purge atom

Happy Linux’NG!

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