[New Release] Ubuntu Linux 18.04 Long Term Support – Bionic Beaver

By | March 11, 2019

How you can upgrade your Previous versions.

Canonical (the company behind the development of ubuntu Linux) has released the much awaited ubuntu 1804LTS – tagged “Bionic Beaver”. (Note: LTS stands for LONG TERM SUPPORT). The new Ubuntu 18.04 LTS has seen some major improvements over its predecessor.

Ubuntu 18.04 LTS will be supported by canonical till April 2023 (its usual 5 years) with security and performance updates.

If you want to try out Linux, you can download ubuntu 18.04 LTS from the official repository. But if you already have ubuntu installed on your PC, you can upgrade to this latest version.


To move to the new ubuntu 18.04 FROM ubuntu versions 16.04 LTS or 17.10 follow the steps enumerated below:

  • Open the “Software & Updates” setting in system settings.
  • Select the third tab called “Updates”.
  • For 16.04 LTS: set the “notify me of a new version” drop down menu to “any new version” .
  • For 17.10: Set it to “For long term support versions”.
  • Press Alt + F2 and type “update-manager -c” into the command box.
  • Update manager should open up and tell you that ubuntu 18.04LTS is now available. If not you can run : /usr/lib/ubuntu-release-upgrader/check-new-release-gtk
  • Click upgrade and follow the on-screen instruction.

Happy Linux’NG!

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