By | October 31, 2020

Audacity is a very powerful and popular editing application that can be very useful when manipulating audio files. One of its major attraction is its ease of use and flexibility.

Though audacity is cross-platform, that is It is available free for all the different major operating systems (OS), I will be showing how you can install it on a Linux machine (Ubuntu to be precise) in this post.

Audacity is a free and open-source application. You just install and begin using it immediately.

What can you use it for?

  • Recording sounds/audio (from multiple sources).
  • Trimming and joining of audio files.
  • Enhancing audio/sound quality (for instance noise reduction and cancellation).
  • Addition of sound effects.
  • Multitrack mixing.
  • Sound spectrum analysis.

And many more.


Audacity is usually found in the default software repository of many Linux distributions; with a simple search and click of a button, you can get it installed.

For the nerds

You can build the software from source code file, that’s if you have the skills.

I would be showing you a more modern way of getting to install audacity in Linux, using snaps. And this is what I would advise.

One prominent reason I love snaps is it container-like functionality, that ensures that the app and its dependencies are packaged together.

READ this post to learn more about snap applications.

Snap installation

Open the terminal (Ubuntu SHOTCUT: Ctrl + Alt + T)

And enter the following command:

sudo snap install audacity

Then enter your system password when prompted, (this is because you are running sudo command to carry out root functions). Then wait for it to be installed (the time to do this will depend on the speed of your internet connection).

MUST READ  Why these 5 myths about the Linux command-line are false

When that is done, you should see a notification in the terminal that audacity has been installed.

Audacity installation command.

Well, at last you can now launch audacity from the dashboard like every other Ubuntu Linux app.

Launch Audacity.

There you have it! You can start using audacity right away.

Audacity Dashboard.

Happy Linux’NG!

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